Another interesting part about this is that ADIDAS is supposed to stand for All Day I Dream About Sports but in this specific ad, that is not what first crosses the mind, Sex is the primary thought. By taking a simple ad such as two men posing with shoes on and adding the word sex and making it quite visible, i believe draws the attention to the extent of the message of this ad.
It has been in this class where i have learned to try and read deeper into media messages and look beyond the brand of a product. This ad caught my attention at first glance because i could relate it to myself being an athlete and also using this product. There are many ways for an athletic brand to be popular using creative advertisements and in adidas case i think they pulled away from their product and dove into the social norm that 'sex does sell' and took a shot at 'showing' what the product can create; nice, toned bodies. They definitely were able to turn heads wih this ad whether it was hegative or for the better.